
The UROP courses fall into two streams – the tasting stream and the series stream – to meet the needs of students with different aspirations and levels of research experience.
Tasting Stream
Students who opt for the tasting stream register for UROP1000 – a 0-credit course offered in the summer session alone. This stream is suitable for students who have never participated in UROP and who would like to have a taste of the research experience.
Students who complete UROP1000 will receive a pass/fail grade. Those who gain a pass will be nominated for a stipend of HK$6,000 or HK$3,000, if any, at the discretion of their supervising faculty member. UROP1000 can only be taken once in any circumstances.
Series Stream
The series stream is designed for students who are prepared to develop a serious commitment to research on the basis of their initial experience in the tasting stream. The series stream comprises four courses, UROP1100, 2100, 3100 and 4100.
These courses must be taken in sequential order and under the supervision of the same faculty member, although it is not necessary for them to be taken in consecutive semesters.
New UROP3200 Course
Starting from Summer 2022-23, a new 1-credit UROP course, Undergraduate Research Opportunities with Mini-conference experience (UROP3200) is offered. The course aims to provide a continued UROP experience to students who have previously taken [two UROP1100] OR [one UROP1100 and one UROP2100] under the same faculty supervisor. Students will share their research findings with other faculty members and students in an interactive poster session at a mini-conference.
By taking two regular UROP courses together with the new UROP 3200 course, students can earn 3 credits to be counted under the UxOP (Undergraduate experiential Opportunities Program) in the 30-credit Common Core framework, starting from Fall 2024-25. Please note that the UROP 3200 course credit earned during the pilot run, i.e. before Fall 2024-25, will only be counted as a free elective credit.
Tasting Stream
UROP1000 |
Series Stream (Fall, Spring, and Summer) UROP1100 UROP2100 UROP3100 UROP4100 |
New Course Launched in Summer 2023 (Fall, Spring, and Summer) UROP3200 |
Please refer to the "For Students" page for more details about the eligibility, application procedures and requirements for completing the UROP courses.