UROP 3200 Info.

Information and Application for UROP 3200
A new 1-credit UROP course, Undergraduate Research Opportunities with Mini-conference Experience (UROP3200) is offered starting from Summer 2022-23. Please refer to the course outline here for more information.
Students who are in their Year 2 Summer and have received [TWO passing grades in UROP 1100] OR [a passing grade in UROP 1100 and UROP 2100] from the same faculty supervisor are eligible to join.
By taking two regular UROP courses together with the new UROP 3200 course, students can earn 3 credits to be counted under the UxOP (Undergraduate experiential Opportunities Program) in the 30-credit Common Core framework, starting from Fall 2024-25. Please note that the UROP 3200 course credit earned during the pilot run, i.e. before Fall 2024-25, will only be counted as a free elective credit.
Mini-conference for UROP 3200
The on-campus Mini-conference for Spring 2024-25 is tentatively scheduled to be held on May 13, 2025, pm.
Students MUST participate in the conference and present their findings via poster session. Students should reserve your time for the event.
Faculty supervisors will participate in the conference and grade students' performance.
Starting from Summer 2022-23, "The Best UROP Mini-conference Paper Award" will be offered to the best student who presents in the mini-conference of UROP 3200, based on the voting by participating UROP 3200 supervisors and UROP Advisory Board members. The winning student can receive a top-up travel sponsorship of HK$15,000 in addition to the existing UROP Research Travel Sponsorship of HK$20,000 for presenting their UROP 3200 project in academic conference(s). The student's supervisor can receive a research fund of HK$15,000 in recognition of their mentorship of the student.
Mini-conference held in Fall 2024-25
- Apply through the UROP Online System by uploading the required documents