Awards & Sponsorships

Certificate of Completion

Students who have successfully completed UROP2100 or above by the time of their graduation are eligible to receive a Certificate of Completion. Only one certificate will be awarded per student. For those who have completed more than one project, the project title with the highest course level will be printed on the certificate. If the projects are of the same level, students should choose which one they would like to use on the certificate.


UROP Award

All students who have successfully completed any one of the UROP courses ( UROP1000 / 1100 / 2100 / 3100 / 4100 ) are eligible to be nominated for the Kerry Holdings Limited Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program Award (formerly known as Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program Award). For more details, please refer to the nomination form at the Download Area.

The supervising team of each student awardee will be presented with the UROP Faculty Research Award of HK$20,000 research fund in recognition of their mentorship for the student.

List of Awardees

2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024


UROP Sponsorships

All UROP students who have a UROP project poster and/or paper accepted for presentation at an academic conference are eligible to apply for research travel sponsorship. Those applying for such sponsorships must be the lead and presenting author of the poster and/or paper accepted by the conference organizer(s). 

All UROP students whose UROP project paper has been accepted by an international journal are eligible to apply for publication sponsorship. Those applying for such sponsorships must be the lead author.

Students who have attained at least two credits in the UROP series courses (UROP1100/2100/3100/4100) are eligible to apply for the summer school sponsorship to participate in research-related summer schools / institutes / workshops during their undergraduate studies.

For more details, please find the policy paper and application form at the "Download Area".

List of Sponsorship Recipients

2022-23 | 2023-24 | 2024-25

Starting from Summer 2022-23, "The Best UROP Mini-conference Paper Award" will be offered to the best student who presents in the mini-conference of UROP 3200, based on the voting by participating UROP 3200 supervisors and UROP Advisory Board members. The winning student can receive a top-up travel sponsorship of HK$15,000 in addition to the existing UROP Research Travel Sponsorship of HK$20,000 for presenting their UROP 3200 project in academic conference(s). The student's supervisor can receive a research fund of HK$15,000 in recognition of their mentorship of the student.

List of Award Recipients

2022-23 | 2023-24 | 2024-25


UROP Support Grant

This funding scheme aims to provide financial support to help enhance the continuous development of an existing UROP project, and to encourage a sustained UROP experience for undergraduate students. It is offered every Fall, Spring and Summer by email announcement from the UROP Office. The application should be jointly submitted by an undergraduate student and a faculty supervisor. Each supervisor is eligible to receive a support grant of up to HK$30,000 per project, and no more than two awarded grants per academic year.

Remark: Faculty supervisors are required to be physically on the HKUST (Clear Water Bay) campus for application for UROP Support Grant.


UROP Collaboration Fund (Currently Suspended)

This funding scheme is to provide financial support for initiatives aiming to enhance undergraduate research through collaboration with the UROP. The collaboration should be a joint effort to encourage undergraduate students from all disciplines to engage in academic research. The scheme is open for applications once per year and each approved application will be capped at HK$100,000.

For more details about the UROP funding support, please refer to the "For Supervisors" page, and application forms are available at the "Download Area".