Spintronic dynamics for reservoir computing
Project Description
The emerging in-memory computing technologies holds the great promise for achieving ultra-low power consumption in future efficient architectures. Among that various implemented hardware, the novel spintronic devices have emerged as an excellent candidate due to their rich nonlinear dynamics and non-volatile memory effect. The proposed project, ‘spintronic dynamics for reservoir computing’, aims to develop a spintronic-based computing diagram and enhance its computing capacity by controlling the spintronic dynamics. The nonlinearity and complexity dependency of spintronic for information processing capacity have been frequently observed, such as the edge of chaos, but still lacking the underlying principles behind those phenomena. Our research mainly focuses on computing optimization for spintronics-based systems. The selected UROP student will have the opportunity to deeply learn the nonlinear dynamics for spintronics and explore methods to enhance their computing capabilities, contributing to future spintronic-based in-memory computing technologies.
SHAO, Qiming
Course type
Applicant's Roles
Applicants are expected to review the related literature and work with the supervisor and PG students. As a requirement, the students should have learned the following relative courses or experience:
 MATH1012/1013/1014/1024/2011/2023 Calculus
 PHYS1112/1114 General Physics
 MATH2111/2121 Linear Algebra
 COMP1029 programming courses
Applicant's Learning Objectives
This is a multi-semester project. The student is expected to achieve the following objectives throughout the entire project.
• Modelling: Utilize coding languages such as Python, MATLAB, or Mumax3 to simulate spintronic dynamics using the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equations. Build an understanding of the nonlinear dynamics in input-driven spintronic models.
• Computing: Develop and implement a reservoir computing algorithm implemented by the spintronic model. The benchmarks will be utilized to evaluate the computing capacity of systems with different input encoding. The physical relationship between input setting and entire information processing capacity is encouraged to be developed more.
• Performance: Controlling the spintronics dynamics, guided by relevant theories, to obtain the better performance, such as higher accuracy or robustness. One interesting potential target is achieving the prediction of spintronic chaotic dynamics by utilizing the order spintronic-based system.
Complexity of the project