Seahorse-inspired actuator for underwater manipulation
Project Description
The PI and his team have previously designed a soft hydraulic gripper inspired by the seahorse tail for underwater manipulation. In this project, the UG students will explore the effect of key design parameters on the performance of the soft hydraulic gripper. The students will deploy additive manufacturing to fabricate a range of seahorse-inspired soft grippers with varying design parameters. Then, the students will build an experimental setup to characterize the different designs in terms of holding force. The students will select the most suitable design for deployment on a remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) and demonstrate its performance in an underwater trash collection task.

This project is related to the Sustainable Smart Campus project "Sustainable Smart Marine Grid (SSMG) - Solar-powered base stations for continuous underwater surveying and trash cleaning”.
SCHARFF, Rob Bernardus Nicolaas
Course type
Applicant's Roles
- Manufacture a range of soft actuators with varying design parameters
- Characterize the performance of the actuators in terms of holding force
- Mount the actuators on an ROV
- Control the ROV and gripper to perform an underwater trash collection task
Applicant's Learning Objectives
- Plan, execute, analyze, and write up an experiment in a systematic manner
- Employ state-of-the-art additive manufacturing technology to fabricate soft hydraulic grippers
- Devise a control architecture for an ROV to perform semi-autonomous trash collection task
Complexity of the project