AI + Healthcare: Research and Development of Intelligent Systems for Medical Diagnosis and Applications
Project Description
We have witnessed explosive growth of AI, in particular machine learning (ML), in terms of both theories and practices in recent years. This project is to research, develop and apply these techniques in medical or healthcare field for clinical or non-clinical applications to achieve automated and efficient diagnosis, information dissemination, resource allocation, image processing and visualization, disease prevention, containment or treatment, etc. Students have to have an interest in healthcare and AI/ML, and be good at system building and software development. Programming IoMT (Internet of Medical Things) may be involved.
CHAN Gary Shueng Han
Course type
Applicant's Roles
Students will work in a rigorous R&D setting with PGs and engineers to build advanced medical or healthcare systems. The projects are software oriented, with strong bias toward machine learning and AI. Students would learn theories and bridge that into deployable systems.
Applicant's Learning Objectives
Learn how AI/ML would play an important role in health and medical field
Develop software system consisting of database, intelligent algorithms and IoMT for real-life applications
Research and develop advanced ML algorithms to tackle challenging AI + healthcare problems.
Complexity of the project