Congestion control for Data center networks
Project Description
The popularity of cloud computing has fuelled a dramatic growth in the number and size of data centers worldwide. In such environments, existing networking software and hardware designed for the Internet have shown their limitations. A plethora of new design proposals have seen the light recently to address some of the network congestion problems that are intrinsic to data center networks. In this spirit we have designed several algorithms and systems and tested them via simulation and/or software deployment in a small scale Data center. The goal of this project is to study some of the mechanisms available for performing admission control in the network such that the conflicting delay and throughput requirements of different traffic classes are met.
Course type
Applicant's Roles
The applicant(s) will work with the advisor and graduate students and will be in charge of:
- studying existing mechanisms that can be used for implementing a soft admission control.
- Possibly deploying and testing the proposed algorithm on a real system inside our small data center.

To achieve this, the applicant must be a senior CSE or CPEG student with a good knowledge of Computer Networks and Linux Kernel programming
Applicant's Learning Objectives
- Be able to appreciate the difference between the Internet and data centre networks
- Be able to appreciate the congestion problems that may arise in data center networks and understand their root causes
- Be able to appreciate the development cycle of communication protocols
- Be able to put to practice knowledge learned in Networking, system programming
Complexity of the project