Determination of Nutritional Value in Black Soldier Fly as a Potential Alternative Food Source for Pets
Project Description
Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia Illucens) is a widely utilized organism in the bioconversion (the use of biological systems in the conversion and recycling of waste) of organic wastes in industry. With its ability to intake a wide variety of waste as it develops (crops, plastics, processed foods, etc.) and its use in a wide variety of products and processes in a later life stage, companies are increasingly interested in the aforementioned insect's use as a tool to promote sustainable upcycling of carbon-based compounds, with many startups primarily utilizing BSF as part of their processes and products (Flylab, Entomal, etc.). Beyond the sustainability aspect is the nutritional benefits of BSF as an animal feed, where it is
currently being used as livestock feed. Studies have shown BSF to be a rich source of
antioxidative enzymes such as Catalase and Glutathione Peroxidase. Moreover, fatty acid and amino acid content in BSF is broad enough to be considered as even a substitute to traditional animal feeds such as soybean meal and fish meal. The presence of Lactic Acid Bacteria in these insects may also prove to be a beneficial source of probiotics. The study aims to explore the possibility of using BSF as a feed for a particular segment of animals: dogs and cats. Considering the unique nutritional needs of dogs and cats (and the allergenicity of current food sources to certain breeds), the project endeavors to compare the nutritional content, antioxidative properties, and potential pet allergens of lab-grown BSF with differing waste inputs to the recommended nutritional guidelines for these pets found in literature in hopes of determining the feasibility of wide-scale BSF use as an alternative food source for pets. The commercial viability as a retail product targeting pets can also hopefully be discerned based on the cost-analysis of growing the feeds.
LAM Leung Yuk Frank
HU, Xijun
Course type
Applicant's Roles
The applicants are required to work on the following three tasks:
(1) Growing of BSF: The growing of BSF will follow industry-based methods for growing with differing feeds given to different containers of BSF. Harvesting of the BSF-containing compost will happen around the 3 week mark (~21 days), as is usually the case in industry.
(2) Processing of Harvested BSF: The extracted BSF will be subject to drying methods (either Microwave, Oven, or Freeze Dying) to ensure the removal of any water content. From there, the dried up larvae can be grounded up into a homogenous mixture, ready for the next stage of testing.
(3) Protein Purification
Applicant's Learning Objectives
The learning objectives concentrate on growing the BSF and how to separate and extract the protein from the harvested BSF. The final protein purification is a must for the students to extract those valuable materials from the process.
Complexity of the project