Fabrication of moiré superlattices from exfoliated 2D materials
Project Description
I am currently looking for two UG students to participate in the fabrication of 2D materials, such as magic angle twisted bilayer graphene (MATBG). MATBG and, more broadly, other 2D moiré superlattices, emerged as the dominant platform to study a range of interesting physical phenomena, such as the fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect and quantum metric, that could not be observed in other materials so far. Hence, research of moiré superlattices is one of the hottest topics in condensed matter research. I am looking for students to participate first in the fabrication of the samples and, at a later stage, in their study using microscopy techniques.
JAECK, Berthold
Course type
Applicant's Roles
Your role will be to integrate into a team with two of my PhD students to work on the sample fabrication of moiré superlattice devices. This work involves the exfoliation of 2D materials from bulk materials, the characterization of 2D materials using optical microscopy and AFM, as well as the fabrication of van der Waal heterostructures and devices using the dry transfer method. No prior laboratory experience is required for this project, and you will be trained in the relevant techniques.

What we expect:
You should be a curious-minded student with a willingness to explore research questions in condensed matter research. During the summer break, you should be able to commit 20h per week to this project to ensure sufficient progress. As you will work closely with 2 PG students and other UG students, you should be able and comfortable to communicate with the other team members and work as a team.
Applicant's Learning Objectives
(A) Mechanical Exfoliation of 2D materials from bulk crystals
(B) The characterization of 2D materials using optical microscopy and AFM
(C) Fabrication of moiré superlattices from 2D materials
Complexity of the project