Putting Neuroscience in the Classroom
Project Description
The objective of the current project is to leverage the engaging and interactive nature of games to optimize cognitive training and foster active learning in the courses we deliver at HKUST. By embracing gamified and game-based learning methods, we tap into a wealth of evidence supporting their profound impact on learner engagement and knowledge retention. The literature highlights their ability to create immersive and enjoyable educational experiences, increasing motivation and improving learning outcomes.
SIU, Yat Fan
YIK, Oi-yee Michelle
Course type
Applicant's Roles
One Applicant with major in Computer engineering

1) Design innovative VR learning modules including different neuroscience topics
2) Build the gamed-based learning platform that test students’ ability to apply neuroscience knowledge in everyday life.
3) Develop game mechanics, such as points, badges, levels, or leaderboards, to enhance motivation and engagement.
4) Collaborate with graphic designers and multimedia specialists to create visually appealing and immersive learning materials.

One Applicant with a general background

1) Administer the VR learning modules to the test group and collect feedback on usability, engagement, and effectiveness.
2) Analyze the feedback and identify areas for improvement or adjustment.
Applicant's Learning Objectives
For the applicant with major in Computer engineering

1) Gain proficiency in designing innovative VR learning modules on various neuroscience topics.
2) Acquire skills in building a game-based learning platform that effectively assesses students' application of neuroscience knowledge in real-life scenarios.
3) Develop expertise in implementing game mechanics, such as points, badges, levels, or leaderboards, to enhance motivation and engagement in the learning process.
4) Collaborate effectively with graphic designers and multimedia specialists to create visually appealing and immersive learning materials.

For the applicant with a general background

1) Gain experience in administering VR learning modules to a test group.
2) Develop skills in collecting and analyzing feedback on usability, engagement, and effectiveness of VR learning modules.
3) Enhance the ability to identify areas for improvement or adjustment based on feedback received from users.
4) Gain insight into the practical application of VR technology in the field of social science research and education.
Complexity of the project