Risk-Management Duel: Financial vs Operational Risk Management
Project Description
**Remote work (VPN may be needed)***

Investigating the interaction of operational risk management and financial risk management. We will collect detailed characteristics of mines (production costs, production levels, proven and probable reserves) owned by individual companies and test whether a company's portfolio of mines (assets) determines how use it makes of financial risk-management tools.
Course type
Applicant's Roles
1) Search and discover the best sources of data for individual mines characteristics.
2) Collect these data and organize them in an Excel spreadsheet in a uniform manner.
3) Check data previously collected and cross-check new data with teammates.
As items 1-3 are now largely completed, we are moving on to the financial side of the companies' activities:
4) Using the same or similar company reports, collect and organize data on the methods (forwards, futures, options, swaps, gold bonds, etc.), intensity, and maturity of any reported risk-management activity,
Applicant's Learning Objectives
1) How to take charge of a broadly-defined project and narrow it down to feasible tasks.
2) How to work effectively and efficiently to deliver error-free deliverables on time.
3) How to coordinate and communicate within a small team and with the Professor and a Research Manager.
Complexity of the project