Silicon photonic switch components on a chip
Project Description
This project aims to design silicon photonic switch components on a chip to perform fast optical switching in the 1310 nm telecommunications wavelengths. The UROP student will design the photolithography mask layouts for the photonic switch comprising silicon photonic waveguides coupling to silicon microring resonators. A silicon p-i-n diode will be integrated across the microring resonators for injecting free carriers to blue-switch the microring resonance wavelengths. The UROP student will perform numerical simulations of the photonic device and of the integrated electronic diodes. The student will also be involved in optically and electrically characterizing similar silicon photonic devices and switch components.
POON, Wing On
Course type
Applicant's Roles
The student will design the photolithography mask layouts for the photonic switch comprising silicon photonic waveguides coupling to silicon microring resonators. The UROP student will perform numerical simulations of the photonic device and of the integrated electronic diodes. The student will also be involved in optically and electrically characterizing similar silicon photonic devices and switch components.
Applicant's Learning Objectives
1. To design the photolithography mask layouts of integrated photonic and electronic components using standard computer-aided design tools.
2. To learn and apply the fundamentals of photonics and microelectronics to design and to numerically model an integrated silicon electro-optic switch.
3. To learn basic laboratory skills in optically and electrically characterizing silicon photonic devices and switch components.
Complexity of the project