Uncertainties in current practices of Scope 3 emissions calculations in critical sectors in Hong Kong and potential financial implications
Project Description
Many jurisdictions around the world require the disclosure of scope 1 and 2 emissions but not scope 3. This is partially due to the difficulty of obtaining raw data, access to databases and uncertainties in calculating scope 3 emissions. There are a few methodologies on calculating scope 3, with the most prominent being Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s (GHG Protocol) Scope 3 Calculation Guidance. However, there are still uncertainties with the data the firms use and how firms in different sectors interpret this piece of guidance. In addition, scope 3 emissions data have financial implications as banks have started to consider scope 3 emissions as a part of the evaluation method for lending and credit decisions.
This project aims to compare current practices of firms in selected sectors in Hong Kong calculating Scope 3 emissions and analyze potential sources of errors and uncertainties associated with these calculations.
Course type
Applicant's Roles
- review of existing Scope 3 reporting frameworks relevant to the Hong Kong context
- data collection from various sources, such as company reports, industry databases, LCA databases and Input-Output tables
- qualitative analysis of potential sources of gaps, errors and uncertainties
- summarize/synthesize research findings
Applicant's Learning Objectives
- gain deeper understanding of GHG emissions reporting frameworks (GHG Protocol, specifically the Scope 3 Calculation Guidance, as well as other relevant international and local reporting standards) and related Life Cycle Concepts
- gain knowledge of sector-specific challenges and opportunities related to scope 3 emissions reporting.
- practice analytical skills through comparative analysis and identification of errors and uncertainties
- develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills to identify potential sources of errors and uncertainties in scope 3 emissions calculations
- practice academic literature review and write up of research findings

Complexity of the project